You get into this training program with a promise to self that you’re not going to ruin it this time. You started out enthusiastically but a few months after, you find yourself whining even the little things about it. Sounds familiar?

If it’s your nth time now to get into a training program and fear that you are just going to end up quitting (again), then it would be better to figure out why you failed. You see, many workout plans for women end up as failure because of some reasons. Check them out below:

1.       You do not make it a priority

Admit or not, one of the reasons why you fail is that you don’t make it as your priority. You have too many excuses – being busy, not having enough time, etc. In reality, if you don’t make time for anything, you will never find time for it. Those who succeeded in various workout plans for women made it by seeing to it that they make them as part of their lifestyle.

2.       You have insufficient time working out

It’s not enough to schedule your daily workout. An equally important thing to do is to make sufficient time for doing it. Approximately, it takes about 4 weeks to get into the habit of sticking to your routine. It can be tough during the first few days but if you go beyond the 3rd week, you can make it all throughout.

3.       Skipping strength training exercises

Another reason why many workout plans for women fail is because those who get into it skip the strength training exercises. Many women fear that getting into strength training will make them look like the Hulk. This is a myth that should be busted. Strength training exercises aid in boosting one’s metabolism, helps in bone density, prevent bone fractures, and lose weight.

4.       Getting into ‘just any workout’

The problem with some women is that in the desperation to lose weight in a snap, they tend to sign up into just any workout they could find without considering many things. Choosing a workout plan is like choosing for a career. You need to consider what you like and don’t like, your current fitness level, and fitness goals. Skipping this important process will easily de-motivate you in the workout and thus, the quitting.

5.       Ignoring the eating pattern

Workout alone won’t help you achieve your desired body. It is for this reason why many fitness programs these days are equipped with suggested eating plans. This is because workout plus healthy eating provides you with your desired results.