Many people are now getting into full body workout plan because of its so-called benefits. However, most of the people who have tried this kind of workout plan reported to have failed on it. There are many reasons as to why this happens. Some of the reasons as to why you never see a full body workout plan that works are as follows:

·         Doesn’t focus on a muscle group

The exercises included in a typical full body workout plan are designed for toning the entire body and not just a specific muscle group. Thus, if you intend to strengthen a specific muscle group of your body such as your legs, the full body workout won’t just work.

·         Leads to overtraining

Anyone who doesn’t have any history of trying a full body workout shouldn’t get started with it unless he/she is being assisted by a well-trained fitness specialist. It is because this kind of workout could pave to overtraining. This is true when you‘re lifting heavy weights for 6-9 sets. Overtrained muscles take 5-6 days to recover.

·         Hard to handle intensity

In order to be effective, a full body workout should be done at least three times in a week. However, with the intensity of this workout, it can be hard to sustain. It becomes tougher as weeks pass by because the intensity of the workout increases per week.

Another factor that could affect to the success of a full body workout is the person’s qualification. Unlike other forms of exercise program, not everyone is qualified for a full body workout. Below are the only people who can get into this kind of program:

·         Cardio enthusiasts

Full body workouts focus more on cardio workouts than strength training. Thus, if you are a cardio enthusiast (someone who loves cardio exercises than strength training), then clearly, full body workout is for you.

·         Newbie

If you are just getting started into this fitness arena, then definitely stick with full body workout. Although there are full body workouts for older people, this kind of workout benefits most those who are just beginning to shape their body.

·         Doesn’t exercise regularly

If you are an intermittent exerciser, then the best way to approach fitness is through a full body workout. This strengthens the body and you only need to do it at least twice a week.

·         Enjoy intense workouts

If you are someone who enjoys doing intense workouts, then do not hesitate to get your hands into full body workout. This workout plan will definitely push you beyond your body’s limits, a good workout for those who love the extra challenge. 

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 The problem with most people who wanted to lose weight is that they wanted to achieve their goal in as little as 1 week! While this can be achieved, this could also put your health on peril. According to the Mayo Clinic, the safest target for weight loss shall be 1 to 2 lbs in a week. In this way, you will not be pushed to go beyond the healthy means of shedding the excess weight.

If you think that you need to sign up for expensive training programs just to lose weight, then you better think again. There are now easy-to-follow and do-it-yourself workout plans for weight loss. All you need to do is schedule them and dedicate yourself to finishing them.

Here are some easy-to-follow workout plans for weight loss that you can try:

Weeks 1-4
The goal of the first four weeks of your weight loss journey (first month) is to shed the excess pounds and aim at building muscles.


For the first day of your workout, aim in doing toning and cardio exercises:

·         Warm-up for 5 minutes using any cardio equipment

·         Cardio workout for 10 minutes (aim for intensity level 6)

·         Cool down for 5 minutes

·         Biceps curl for 3 sets

·         Tricep pulldowns with rope for 3 sets

·         Lateral pulldowns for 3 sets

·         Front raises using dumbbells for 3 sets

Tuesday: Off


For the second day of your workout, focus on working on your cardio and your core.

·         Warm-up for 5 minutes using any cardio equipment

·         Plank exercises for 3 sets

·         Crunches using the stability ball for 3 sets

·         Bicycle crunches for 3 sets

·         Interval training using any cardio equipment for 10 minutes

·         Cool down for 5 minutes


For the last day of workout of the week, you will be again doing a cardio and working out your lower body.

·         Warm-up for 5 minutes using any cardio equipment

·         Lunges with dumbbells for 3 sets

·         Squats using the stability ball for 3 sets

·         Leg curls using a machine for 3 sets

·         Jogging on the treadmill for 10 minutes

·         Cool down for 5 minutes

Weeks 5-8
The second half of your workout plan shall be a combination of cardio and strength training.


·         Warm-up for 5 minutes using any cardio equipment

·         Cardio workout for 20 minutes (intensity level 7)

·         Cool down for 5 minutes

·         Bicep curls for 3 sets

·         Incline dumbbell press for 3 sets

·         Tricep kickbacks on a bench for 3 sets

·         Lateral pulldowns using a cable machine for 3 sets

·         Lateral raises with dumbbells for 3 sets

Tuesday: Off


·         Warm-up for 5 minutes using any cardio equipment

·         Interval training for 20 minutes

·         Cool down for 5 minutes

·         Plank exercises for 3 sets

·         Side plank exercises for 3 sets

·         Straight leg raises for 3 sets on a bench


·         Warm-up for 5 minutes using any cardio equipment

·         Jogging on the treadmill for 10 minutes

·         Cool down for 5 minutes

·         Lunges with dumbbells for 3 sets

·         Squats with dumbbells for 3 sets

·         Calf raises with dumbbells for 3 sets

·         Side lunges with dumbbells for 3 sets

You need to remember that these workout plans for weight loss are not enough for you to achieve your desired body. You need to couple them with eating the right kind and amount of food. 

 One of the first few questions of people who wanted to get started with a gym workout plan is pertaining to which is the best workout plan. The truth is, it’s hard to determine the best among the rest as everyone has varied opinions. What may be the best for one may not be the best for you. However, there are these gym workout plans that standout from the rest. The following combination of exercises proves that the best gym workout plan does exist:

1.       Toning on the treadmill

Who says you can’t multi-task when getting fit? This toning up on the treadmill provides you will your daily dose of cardio and strength training. To do this, simply hold 3-5 lb dumbbell in each hand. Speed up the treadmill while you’re doing the shoulder press, biceps curl, side and front laterals, and the triceps extension. Do this for at least twice in a week.

2.       Wall sits

Power up any cardio exercise by doing the wall sits. This will strengthen different muscle groups in your body including your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. To begin with wall sits, lean against a wall with your feet, shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend until your knees are in a 45 degree angle with the floor; hold this position for 30-45 seconds.

3.       Overall body toner

An exercise that tones different muscle groups in your body includes this side step squat with wood chop. This form of workout trains your arms, torso, back, abs, legs, inner thighs, and even your butt.

4.       Jump Rope Double-Turn Maneuver

Give yourself an extra challenge by trying this jump rope double-turn maneuver. This intense exercise could burn 26 calories per minute. To start with, do a basic jump for 5 minutes then you jump as high as possible; turn the rope twice as fast as you can so the next jump happens after the second time the rope passes under your feet.

5.       Intense push-ups

Do not settle for so-so push-ups. Intensify your push-ups by trying the squat-thrust push-ups. It’s a good form of exercise that trains the upper part of the body, the core, and the lower part of the body. Incorporating this form of exercise improves your agility, strength, and endurance.

No matter what kind of gym workout plan that you intend to do, never forget to take mini breaks and as well as keep yourself well-hydrated. Also, good healthy meal plans while on training will hasten the process of weight loss and body building. 

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 You get into this training program with a promise to self that you’re not going to ruin it this time. You started out enthusiastically but a few months after, you find yourself whining even the little things about it. Sounds familiar?

If it’s your nth time now to get into a training program and fear that you are just going to end up quitting (again), then it would be better to figure out why you failed. You see, many workout plans for women end up as failure because of some reasons. Check them out below:

1.       You do not make it a priority

Admit or not, one of the reasons why you fail is that you don’t make it as your priority. You have too many excuses – being busy, not having enough time, etc. In reality, if you don’t make time for anything, you will never find time for it. Those who succeeded in various workout plans for women made it by seeing to it that they make them as part of their lifestyle.

2.       You have insufficient time working out

It’s not enough to schedule your daily workout. An equally important thing to do is to make sufficient time for doing it. Approximately, it takes about 4 weeks to get into the habit of sticking to your routine. It can be tough during the first few days but if you go beyond the 3rd week, you can make it all throughout.

3.       Skipping strength training exercises

Another reason why many workout plans for women fail is because those who get into it skip the strength training exercises. Many women fear that getting into strength training will make them look like the Hulk. This is a myth that should be busted. Strength training exercises aid in boosting one’s metabolism, helps in bone density, prevent bone fractures, and lose weight.

4.       Getting into ‘just any workout’

The problem with some women is that in the desperation to lose weight in a snap, they tend to sign up into just any workout they could find without considering many things. Choosing a workout plan is like choosing for a career. You need to consider what you like and don’t like, your current fitness level, and fitness goals. Skipping this important process will easily de-motivate you in the workout and thus, the quitting.

5.       Ignoring the eating pattern

Workout alone won’t help you achieve your desired body. It is for this reason why many fitness programs these days are equipped with suggested eating plans. This is because workout plus healthy eating provides you with your desired results.